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Our Day at the Pumpkin Patch

Friday, October 28, 2016

Last weekend we decided it would be fun to go to the next town over and let Vi experience her first ever pumpkin patch! This same farm has hosted Fall Festivals since I was a kid, and always loved playing, eating and picking out a pumpkin! This is one of those things we weren't sure Vi would actually enjoy yet, but she does seem to love seeing new things and watching people. And this was no exception! She just looked around the whole time and took it all in. She especially loved sitting in the "corn bath" and throwing around corn (and we made it home with only on kernel in her diaper!) I'm glad we let her experience things like this even if she's not quite old enough to participate, I say the earlier the better for fun traditions like this! I think next year she'll really love running around and actually being apart of the fun!

1 comment:

  1. I can tell that it must have been a lovely day by seeing such adorable pictures of such a charming child. i really love your family. keep posting more from you.
