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Tea and Birthdays

Monday, August 19, 2013

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you all had a fun and restful weekend! Today is Joe's first day back to school. He's doing more classes online now so he can work too. I'm so proud of him! I love seeing him do what he loves and succeed at it. I really can't wait to see all his hard work pay off when he is able to achieve his dream job of being a graphic designer.

Not much is going on for me this week, just the usual. My weekend was nice though. Saturday, my good friend Katie drove up from Tucson to hang out. We sat and had tea and cupcakes and talked and caught up. It's always nice being able to spend time with old friends you grew up with and went through so much together. She brought with her her new Canon camera and I fell in love with it and HAD to get one for myself (thanks a lot, Katie! ;) But I plan to sell a couple of mine that I don't use anymore, so I'll feel better about spending that much money so impulsively. We had a great day though and I really hope to spend more time with her!

Then Sunday was my dad's birthday, so Joe and I headed out to his house to spend the evening having dinner and hanging out with family. I tried Saki for the first time (yuck) and we all sang terribly to karaoke. So it was a pretty fun night. Happy "29th" Birthday, Dad ;)

Here are a few photos from my weekend.


Have a wonderful week, everyone!


  1. Your family is so beautiful!

  2. I have got to know what drinking game that is!
