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Our Instagram Wall

Friday, November 22, 2013

While reading the A Beautiful Mess Photo Idea Book (which is awesome, by the way) I came across the idea of making a wall display out of Instagram photos. I absolutely love Instagram, and loved the idea of being able to display those photos in other ways than just the app. I printed my favorites out using Printicular, which is super inexpensive. Then just measured out using blue painters tape exactly where they would go, and stuck them using double sided tape. I didn't worry about them being completely perfect because that would probably be close to impossible and would drive me crazy. 

I think it turned out pretty cool! I'm thinking of possibly making a frame to add around the borders, but I also like the idea of always being able to add more, so we'll see!

Sorry about the grainy photos, it's dark out today ;)


  1. Love this idea! Might try it in my living room :)

  2. This is so sweet, I love the colorful photos you chose. The bright oranges and blues really draw you in.

  3. What a neat idea!! I can't wait until we start decorating the kids playroom. I think we will definitely have to try this out. Yours looks great!!

    Life is Peaches
