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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thinking about: Christmas shopping! Yes, already. I want to try to start early this year so I don't end up getting overwhelmed last minute. I love it so much though and always have so much fun with it! Especially shopping for Joe, I have a private Pinterest board full of ideas for him and cannot wait to get started! It really is the greatest time of the year, I always dive head first in to this season and want everything to do with it! Just last night I was walking up and down isles in Target and couldn't resist buying this giant candy cane! I just love Christmas way too much and it's fine with me if it starts early November!

Anticipating: My older sister's wedding next week! I'm so happy for her and can't wait to be apart of her big day! Weddings are so amazing to me and I always enjoy attending them so much! Joe and I keep looking at each other saying, "Imagine what it will be like when OUR wedding is only a week away!" That has got to feel so crazy!

Eating: A lot of homemade meals! Cooking is definitely not a strong point of mine, and Joe and I usually just end up going out to get food, not good! So recently I've really tried buckling down and preparing meals at home. So far, it hasn't been bad at all! I need to discover a few more recipes I can try and hopefully soon I'll have a wide variety of meals I can cook!

Annoyed with: People who are closed minded and judgmental. I won't name any names, but recently I have had to deal with people who go out of their way to tell me things like my tattoos were a bad decision and I won't be taken seriously in life. I'm so sick of hearing those things from someone who is supposed to always support me no matter what. I will never understand those who don't accept others for simply doing something that makes them happy and isn't hurting anyone. This world would be such a better place if everyone just lived and let live.

Wanting: To do more art. Very vague, but I'm not quite sure exactly what it is yet. I often find myself feeling creative and wanting to do something about it but never know how. I don't have any talent in things like drawing for painting (I wish I did) so I'm trying to discover something along those lines I could try. I guess for now this blog counts as something :)

Currently posts inspired by Danielle at Sometimes Sweet.


  1. Cam, if you ever need a listening ear- I am still looking for a pen pal!


    1. I would love to be your pen pal! Email me and I'll give you my info :)

  2. I have been thinking about Christmas gifts as well! Pinterest comes in handy when it comes to that!

  3. Always love your "Currently" posts! Hey, I was wondering if you ever received my letter I sent? I just wanted to make sure it didn't get lost, or you thought I forgot to write you.


    1. Hey! Yes, I did get it! Sorry I haven't responded yet I've been über busy but I will soon :)

    2. Oh my gosh, no worries at all! I just wanted to make sure it made it to you :).

  4. I love reading other Currently posts!
