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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thinking about: Way too much! I feel like my mind is just non-stop lately and I'm having to force myself to calm down so I can sleep at night. As I've mentioned before, I've always struggled with anxiety, and right now it seems to be at a peak. Nothing too crazy, just a lot going on. We are six weeks out from the wedding, and feeling like there is still so much left to do! As my sweet fiancĂ© keeps reminding me, we just have to take care of one thing at a time and panicking will not help (something he's had to tell me a lot, haha!) But that is what we're doing. I wrote down the final checklist that consists of about twenty-five things and keep in it my purse with me, so every time one is completed I can check it off and feel a little bit of relief. My final dress fitting is Saturday and that'll be a huge thing to check off the list, so I'm really excited about that. I just really can't wait until the day is here and we can just relax and enjoy our special day together.

Feeling: Lack of motivation. I don't know if it's from being so busy or what, but I hate having days pass without posting anything on my blog, or even Instagram, where I usually post almost every day. I wanted to make sure when I started blogging that I wouldn't just abandon it for days at a time, but lately I just can't think of anything I want to share. I think it's a combination of being busy/overwhelmed and writers block. But I'm hoping on getting out of my social media funk soon!

Watching: There are so many shows and movies I'm looking forward to this summer! There's always a while where I'm kind of bored with everything on TV because none of my shows are going, but soon there will be so many and I can't wait! Orange is the New Black, Pretty Little Liars, The Fault in Our Stars, Maleficent, plus a bunch of action-y movies Joe will want to see, we'll always have something to watch, it'll be great! Anything you're looking forward to watching this summer?

Realizing: How incredibly busy this time of year is in my family! Lately it just seems like one thing after another! Between April and June, there are six birthdays, my bridal shower, Easter, Mother's Day, a baby shower, our wedding, and Father's Day. WHEW! Joe and I keep saying that once we decide to have kids, we will make sure they aren't born in this time frame!

Looking for: BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS! If you have any books you love, please share! I'm looking for a new great book I can fall into. There really isn't a better distraction than an amazing book, and that's just what I need right now!

Currently posts inspired by Danielle at Sometimes Sweet.


  1. Looking for Alaska by John Green is my all time favorite novel!

  2. I definitely second Blake on that suggestions, just about anything by John Green. Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines... I love John Green.

  3. I read Wedding Belle's by Beth Albright, and I loved it! Also, I may have said this before, but Sister my Rosamund Lupton is my favorite! xx

    -Darianne | She Wrote Today

  4. These are always my favorite posts..
    Pretty Lovely

  5. i recently polished off 'where'd you go, bernadette?' by maria semple in a couple of hours - touching, engaging and wonderfully written. would highly recommend!
