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& Baby Makes Three

Monday, May 11, 2015

Joe and I are so excited to announce that we are expecting a baby this November! I am currently thirteen weeks along and we still can't even believe there is a baby on the way. I'm so glad I can finally talk openly about it on social media since I was horribly sick the entire first trimester and it caused me to be quite absent. I also have been keeping a "first trimester journal" type thing ever since the day we found out, and will share it here if anyone cares to see it.

I am so excited to share my experiences of becoming a first time mom here and we just can't wait to meet little Baby Furman in about six months.


  1. Oh my goodness! that's so exciting! I am so happy for you, Congrats Furmans!

  2. Yaaay!! I am so excited!

  3. Congrats!! I can't wait to follow your journey and see all your preparations! That first trimester sickness is the worst and I hope you're feeling better!!

  4. aaaah, how exciting! congratulations!

  5. Congrats on your upcoming addition to your family. I hope a wonderful pregnancy, I can't tell you its going to be easy, because they never are, but they are worth it in the end!
