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A Few Of My Favorite Things

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Here are a few of my favorite (non-living) things
In no particular order:

1. My iPhone and iPad, especially in their new fall cases! I go everywhere with my phone and do everything on it!

2. My engagement ring. This is the most beautiful piece of jewelry I have ever and will ever own. Not only because it's diamonds, but because what it represents. I love it so much and can't wait to wear it forever. PS. Sorry for the kind of gross close up photo, rings are not very easy to take photos of.

3. Mine and Joe's silhouettes from Disneyland. These are such a great reminder of one of the best weeks of my life. Joe and I had the most fun in Disneyland, and this was the vacation where he proposed to me. I will always think of that when I look at these.

4. Puppies in teacups. My mom gave me these for Christmas a few years ago, along with a little story that goes with them that I love so much. I even want to get one of the teacups tattooed on me one day to represent their meaning.

5. Angelique Houtkamp print. I absolutely love tattoo style art, and hers are especially beautiful. I ordered this print a few years ago actually, and forgot about it for a while. I found it again about a year ago buried amongst some things and got so excited. I took it to a framers and now it hangs in our home office where I can look at it all the time. I really want to get another print of hers soon!

6. Books! I love reading so much. It's always such a great escape into other places and situations. Pictured is only about a tenth of the books I own, plus I have quite a few downloaded onto Kindle. I love keeping all of my favorite books and can't wait to give them to my kids some day. I hope they love reading!

7. "C" necklace. Joe gave me this as a gift on our two-year anniversary. I'm not huge on jewelry at all, but he knows me so well and knew I'd love this. And I do! It's so simple but so beautiful.

8. Record player and vinyls. I only started getting into vinyls a couple years ago, and love them! They are so fun to collect, and have such a different sound than just downloaded music. I love coming home, setting a record on, and just letting it go. They're great to listen to new music on, but I also love hearing my grandma's old Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra she gave to me. So much fun!

9. Wooden dolls. The first three are Russian, the last one is Japanese from Joe's cousin who lives there. I love they way these are hand crafted and so beautiful. I really would like to collect more traditional dolls from other countries too, but am not sure of any that have them. Does anyone know?

10. My camera! I carry this thing around everywhere! I am getting better and better about taking photos of anything I can. I'm realizing too that the photos that end up being my favorites, are the ones that were unexpected and not planned. So it's good I always have a camera on me to capture those moments.


  1. I love everything here as well! Especially that ring, and those kissy doggies, oh and that print!

    mama daze blog

  2. Do you just have the stock lens right now? I got the 50mm but ended up going back to the stock lens due to lack of funds for a 35 or 28mm. Are you planning on different lenses in the future or happy with the one you have currently?

    1. I only have the stock lens right now, but I really want to play around with other ones. I'm just not sure yet which one I should try next. A macro one would be really fun I think!

  3. The nesting dolls or matryoshka dolls are popular in many Eastern European countries like Ukraine

  4. Ladyy, I LOVE your favorite things lol everything just made me all warm inside haha. I really love your ring-It's definetely my style. I hate my ring (the ring was bought just so I'd have something to wear) i love yours.

