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Catching Fire, Pregiving, and Nic's Birthday

Monday, November 25, 2013

I really love weekends like this last one when there's a lot of fun stuff going on. 

On Friday, after Joe got off work, he came home and took me out for dinner and a movie. Such a sweet, classic date! After dinner we saw Catching Fire and it was seriously AMAZING. Definitely lived up to The Hunger Games, and definitely left me wanting more. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend you do!

Then Saturday Joe, my sister Emma, and I went to get pizza with my dad. It was good because I don't usually spend that much time with him. After that we went home to make homemade mac 'n cheese for Pregiving. It's like a "friendsgiving" that a friend of ours hosts every year, and a ton of people come and bring food. It was a lot of fun and great to see so many people get together. 

Sunday was Nic's seventh birthday! There isn't much you can do for a dog on their birthday, so we just made waffles, watched movies and enjoyed the rainy day in. I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it as much as we did ;)

Weekends like this are my favorite! So much fun and so relaxing! Although they do seem to make Mondays a little harder!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, too! And have a merry Monday!


  1. I totally agree with you about Catching Fire! It was seriously great. A lot more true to the book than the first one, in my opinion. I CANNOT WAIT for the remaining movies!

  2. You're so pretty! looks like you had a great day.I really want to see catching fire. I definitely want to read the books now.
