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Our Wedding Invitations

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Yesterday was the day we went out and mailed our wedding invitations. This is such a big step in planning a wedding because it just makes it feel so official. And this part was very important to us. We've been looking at invitation options for a few months now, narrowing it down from ten picks, to five, to three, and the final two was the hardest pick. We finally decided that these ones felt right, they felt like us. We both loved how they are so simple and classic, yet have a modern feel to them. I also wanted something that could be framed in the house forever, and these ended up being so perfect. 

We had the best time ever spending an afternoon putting them together, continually mentioning how crazy it all was, and loving every detail of the invitations we chose together, from the actual invites to the floral stamps I love so much to the wax seal we used.

I'm so excited that they are finally out there.  Our lovely guests will be receiving them soon, and I am absolutely stoked to start getting response cards in the mail and starting an official guest list. The realism of this all is more every single day, and knowing how quickly the next three months will fly by gives me the craziest feelings! 

If you've been married or been through the wedding planning process and have any advice for the three month stretch, please share, I'm taking all I can get :)


  1. How exciting.. Invitations do make it more real, as it is out there in world now.

    My advice? Remember it is just one day to the rest of your lives together, don't over think it, enjoy it. Have the time of your life and don't sweat it. If things go wrong, accept it and move on.

    And don't do anything you don't want to; it is your day.

    1. Oops sorry, meant to also say that invitations look gorgeous..

  2. beautiful! love the simple, modern but elegant have such great taste!

  3. Love the invites!!

    and p.s. mentioned you on my blog for the Leibster Award!

  4. These look just beautiful! What a lovely idea to keep one to frame in future!
