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Tattoo Time!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Yesterday I finally went into my appointment I booked two months ago and got my feet tattooed. This is something I've been wanting to do for a couple years now, especially after getting a pretty horrible little tattoo on my foot I've wanted to cover since I had it done. I kept putting it off though, a little worried that feet tattoos would be harder to cover up if needed, since I always wear shoes that would show them. Plus, I've heard feet tattoos are super painful and a pain to heal. But a couple months ago I decided it was time it needed to be done, so I made the appointment. 

I walked into the shop yesterday feeling so, so nervous. This tattoo was one I knew would show with almost everything, especially with warmer weather coming up. So I made sure they were completely perfect. I had him reline up the stencil three times! And then came the nerves for the pain, which now I understand why so many people say feet are the worst, it was by far the most painful tattoo I've gotten! Especially the outline, I was making weird faces throughout the whole thing! Thankfully, he got through the outlines rather quickly, so I was able to relax and just talk to him and Joe during the shading and coloring. 

For the tattoos, I decided to go with a yellow rose on each foot. Obviously, yellow is my favorite color, and I've always absolutely loved yellow roses. I remember in high school I used to collect them and had tons of them dried all over my room. They just have such a happy, cheerful feeling to them, and it made perfect sense to have a couple of them on my body. Plus, I knew I wanted something somewhat neutral so it didn't take too much away from my shoes, haha! 

So right now I'm sitting in bed with my feel elevated, trying to distract myself from the throbbing pain in my incredibly puffy feet. I know it's going to take a few weeks for them to heal completely, so I want to really take good care of them so they heal nicely. They hurt really bad, like I can barely walk, but I'm so excited to have them done, and can't wait until they're healed and I can show them off!


  1. They are so pretty! I have 3 large lily's on my left foot (it covers the top of my foot), it's my favorite tattoo and I can't wait to add something on my right foot! Good luck with the healing process, it's rough but worth it!


  2. looks pretty! when are you going to do a post showing all of your tats??

  3. How I needed this a week ago! 10 days ago I got my right foot tatttooed and oh my goodness gracious it was so painful. I made funny faces through the whole entire tattoo which surprised me because usually I am able to zone out at some part of my tattoos. I have large pieces on my arm but NOPE, not with the foot.
    The next day the poor thing was so swollen and every time I took a step on it I felt like there was a layer of gelatinous stuff under the skin that would move and create some pain. The day after that got a little better and then better and then one day I woke up and my foot wasn't as puffy anymore and immediately the peeling started. Oh, excuse me, the ITCHING and peeling. Now, on day 10 most of the peeling is done except for on the very side of my foot where it's words and and most of the itching is gone, and there is no more puffiness but it is still somewhat tender. I'm just looking forward to being able to wear sneakers soon. I want to get back to the gym!
    People who don't have foot tattoos were very concerned at the state of my foot but I figured it was pretty normal and a person I follow on instagram told me about her experience, I will not, ever, get my other foot tattooed though. I went through the whole thing wondering why the heck I get tattooed and promising myself I won't get another one again and then 10 days later I'm wondering what I'm going to get on my thigh one day. So... I guess we forget the intensity pretty fast.

    1. I just saw your foot tattoo you got, seriously gorgeous! I'm in love with that orange!! But yeah, sooo painful, and I'm having that exact same giggly feeling when I walk haha I'm trying to walk super slowly to avoid it because it feels so gross and weird! And I know what you mean, every time I get a tattoo I think there's no way I'm getting another one, and then a few months later I start planning more haha. So many people thought I was nuts for getting both feet done at once and now I see why! But I just wanted to get them over with and cannot wait until they're healed!

  4. Yes you must make a post on all of your tattoo collection!

  5. Your tattoo is gorgeous, I can't wait to see the colors! My most painful spot was definitely my elbow - eek!

    xx kate

    1. Thank you! I bet the elbow was bad, can't even imagine!

  6. OMGGG SO JEALOUS!!! GORGEOUS flash feet tattoos. Love love love love LOVE! <3
