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My Valentines Day

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Yesterday was such a wonderful day. Valentines Day is always so much fun, though. It's exciting having a day just to dedicate to the one(s) you love. The day started out like any other; Joe and I both went to work. In honor of the holiday I painted little wooden valentines with the kiddos, which was messy but fun. Then when we were both off we went off to our couple's massage. It was so relaxing and felt so nice to be able to have an hour of that. And I know Joe loved it because his back and neck are always hurting, poor guy! Then a couple hours after that we went to dinner at a nice restaurant downtown. Our reservations was at 8 and we weren't seated until 8:45, but despite that and how crowded the place was I still really enjoyed sitting down to a fancy-shmancy dinner with my love. So it ended up being a perfect Valentines Day full of treats, fun, and lots of love!

How was your Valentines Day? Did you do anything special? Either way, I hope it was really, really wonderful!

also- don't forget to go enter to win the Brandy Melville backpack!! Only a couple days left!


  1. so cute! especially your little dog wanting the treat <3

  2. I love the his & hers vday gift photos, so sweet
