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Spring and Daisies and RoseGal

Sunday, February 23, 2014

It's that time of year again, when Spring is just around the corner and I am beaming with excitement. There are so many things that come with Spring that I just adore and can't ever get enough of. Trees start blossoming, daisies are popping out everywhere, and the warm weather makes it so easy to just throw on a cute dress and go! Here in Prescott we aren't quite there yet, but definitely getting close! Today it was a lovely 63 degrees and the perfect opportunity to pull out this yellow pleated dress that RoseGal was generous enough to send me!

It's light, flowy, dresses like this one that really make me look forward to warmer days. It's so easy to just throw it on and look good! I am always in the market to add fun, colorful dresses to my collection, and if you're the same, RoseGal is a great place to look! They have so, so many different styles to choose from, all super affordable, and free shipping of everything! So go take a look, and if you find anything good, use coupon code freshspring to get 8% off your order, good until March 8.

Dress: c/o RoseGal, Shirt and Sandals: Target


  1. You look so lovely! The colours in that dress are so vibrant. I wish I could pull off pleated items of clothing like you. I like them a lot and have been tempted to buy in the past but I just don't think they suit me well enough.
    Anyhoo, I've nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award. If you'd like to take part you can pop over to my blog and answer the questions I've prepared. If not, that's all good and I'll understand. Keep up the great work!

    1. Aww that's so wonderful, I'll definitely pop over and check it out, thank you so much <3

  2. This dress is so fresh and fun! Definitely makes me crave spring. This dress would be the perfect piece to adventure around Japan in when I go in April!

    xoxo Jess
    Foreign Room
